Friday, October 3, 2008

Foolishness of a GOI official

S.M. SOOI Chief Engineer (CMO) Tele fax No.********* mf ~'1R ~. D.O. No. NO.CE/CMO/MISC/2008{ Itffir t:rom" Government of India ~~~ Central ~ Bhawan, R.K.PurdllL Ncw Dclhi-()( The 24lh Sept.. 20m
Dear Shri harma,
It is observed that of late I have not been receiving files related I disposal of references pertaining to coordination works of C.M.O. or the works related to *** Directorate. The disposal of references is also being delayed or no action taken at all. To quote an example the N.O.C. to Shri S.c. Chadha, Chief (retired), **was issued only today after three reminders from ***** Coordination. Chairman, has taken a serious view in this particular case.

In this connection, Member (WP&P) wants to know the details ( works attended by you with effect from April, 2008 and the details or pending references along with the dates since pending and the reasons for non-disposal. These details may please be submitted to the undersigned within three days for apprising the MClllhl () accordingly.

Y our sincerely,

Shri **********,
Director (*&*), *************************, R.No.), , R.K.Puram, New Delhi.
The above is the scanned copy of the letter. Request for a soft copy was not accepted. Only he knows why it could not be provided.

Dear Mr. Sooi,
Sub: Memo
Ref: No CE/CMO/Misc/2008/20 dated 24 Sept 2008
I note that the said letter was issued in such a manner that it was received by me at 1715 PM on 24/9/08. So the deadline of 3 days expired on 27/09/09, a holiday. The three day time itself is unreasonably short and it was effectively for 2 days. One must admire the scheme. Moreover, the letter is a classic case of general vagueness.

I am surprised at your anguish about delay in disposal of Mr. Chaddha’s application. I had to check the records for the past years, that too without the benefit of any clerical services. Incidentally, I note with dismay that you not only did nothing to relieve Smt. Kaur from *** Dte, but flatly refused to do so. Not only that you posted a lady, whom you knew cannot type at all, neither Hindi nor English. A rejectee was sought to be dumped on me.
On top of that, Sh. ** Chand was taken away and posted elsewhere. Mr. M, UDC, was transferred and inspite of it being brought to your notice, you did nothing.

I may point out that there are no deadlines for disposal of such applications like that of Mr. Chaddha’s, except that there should not be the remotest chance of clash of personal and Presidential interests. In the absence of guidelines about disposal of such cases, one has to be extra cautious.
There are no references pending, except those from State Govts for valuation of heavy machinery. They are piling up by the day, as you have refused to clear my tour programmes for the purpose. This is causing a loss of revenue to the Nation as was earlier pointed out to you. Not only that, my tour programme to Etah has been blocked by you on specious grounds. One of them being “Report is under consideration”. Sir, it has been months since the said report has been under “consideration”. It was clearly pointed out that the report is to be “considered” by the competent authority, which is NOT CE, CMO. Moreover, the report is a potential piece of evidence in any future court case or and loss of the original will mean destruction of evidence. Sir, in such an eventuality, I would not be held responsible.
Irrelevant queries regarding the tour programs undertaken in the past 2 years is another frivolous and malicious reason. Is it not a case of malicious harassment?

Sir, may I mention the case of Sh. S.K.Anil, the Ex.Engr, SID? He had returned the TA of bills of SE, SIC, for clarifications. He was charge sheeted for putting the claimant in financial hardship. It is verifiable.
One reference from Dir, ***, Jammu, is pending, for disposal of their machinery. I had booked my seat for Jammu, but in view of your attitude, I had no faith that you would not block it for some frivolous reasons. Hence the tour was cancelled, as I have already been put in financial hardship, which I do not want to worsen. In cancellation I did incur loss but I cut my bigger loss. (copies enclosed). Further, if Dir ***, Jammu is involved in litigations, it will be thanks to you and you only.. I may here point out that the tour to Jammu was chalked out on the urgent request of Dir, Jammu, as he had got a legal notice.

I had put up a file no. 84/14/2008-P&M to Chairman, which was marked by his office to you on 30/5/08. The file is yet to come back to me after nearly 4 months.

As for the working of past months, copies of progress reports is enclosed.
Although your anguish at Chaddha’s case in understandable, as the disposal should be fast but after thorough examination, what is not understandable is your biased attitude toward me, which I believe is the reason behind this letter under discussion.

I am sure that while considering my reply, you would keep in mind all the facts detailed above.

Your sincerely,
Dir, ^^^^^Dte.

Sh. S. M. Soi,
CE, ******,
Copy to: Chairman, , bringing out the full details of the malice of Sh. S. M. Sood.
Is any more evidence needed to bring out the foolish malice on part of SOI?
Fact is he issued the letter on his own. Senior officers cannot be so naive as to jeopardise the interests of the President, which are sovereign and paramount.
Will M take some action? Slim chance.

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